What I am interested in is the subculture centered around a card game called 'Magic: The Gathering'. Even more specifically I am going to try writing from the somewhat unique perspective of coming to the game later in life. I don't know what shape this blog will take in the coming weeks and months, but by nature I like to write about what interests me. And right now, my principal interests are based on this complicated card game that I've only been introduced to in the past year.
Most introductions to the game of Magic happen via friends introducing friends in high school and college. It's a clear story told retold weekly at Friday Night Magic events in small local game stores. Seeing the interactions, hearing the slang in use about all matters MTG, and knowing the types of relationships between those who fall into the 'typical' MTG player category only affirms this belief.
And yet, somehow, I missed the boat. Perhaps I was too busy going to college or hanging out with people who didn't play. I do recall being more than a little bit interested in Pinochle, Warhammer 40k and Scrabble during my formative years. I also recall something about a girl...
Fast-forward 19 years from the start of MTG (right at the end of 2011, if you must be precise). I'm walking into a game store for the first time in I can't say how long. I'm 38 years old. I'm married with two boys and I'm largely living the American Dream (which seems to mean that I can afford to pay my taxes). One son, Matthew, is as old as the game itself. Wait a second - perhaps that is why I couldn't play a fledgling card game. Matthew has a smallish collection of MTG cards and has played some over the years, but never really became seriously interested in the game. My other son, Jacob, is eleven years old. We've just stepped into a local game store opened by a gentleman both my older son and I have spent time with over the years. And my youngest is literally tugging at my sleeve and hitting me with those puppy dog eyes. "Puh-puh-please dad, can we get some Magic Cards? I want to learn to play."
Initially, the concept was to visit Nick's new game store for a bit, drop some greenbacks and head back home. I had seen several games online that I knew he carried, and was hoping to get one or three. The trip started off as a show of loyalty to his new venture. But after having walked through the store and having listened to Matthew and his friend talk for an hour about MTG, a new plan was born. One that would curse me to become a planeswalker as well.
"Sure Jacob, let's get some stuff." And with that, I had stepped into it. Knowing that Matthew would find it novel to play his younger brother for all of a week before he'd grow bored with it, I came up with what I thought to be a clever little plan. So I spoke to Nick, friend and store owner. I explained that I'd like to start playing MTG. I told him that my youngest wanted to start playing, and I thought he'd need someone to play against. Jacob was going to be buying some cards, and I wanted something that I could play for a while against him.
Nick set me up within 30 or so minutes with a fairly close approximation of the then current Red Deck Wins that was still somewhat popular at the time. I didn't understand it well at the the time, but he kept grinning at me as if I was the chosen one or a nice roast beef sandwich. As he explained the different interactions - Shrine of Burning Rage and more, I started to get a little excited. Seriously. I was actually starting to think that this is going to be more fun than the occasional chore I had first thought it would be. After the first ten words came out of his mouth - I was also a little confused.
Like a typical, overconfident male lost but unwilling to ask for directions, I nodded. A lot. I am proud though, towards the end of his showing me how RDW really wins, I thought I was getting it.
Before leaving the store, I purchased some standard MTG equipment as well. A playmat, sleeves and deckbox for me were all added to Jacob's growing pile. I figured, given my advanced age anything that would help me play better was a fair purchase. So I made sure to get some RTFC sleeves, not so much to intimidate my opponents with the scary black but more to remind me - hey stupid, read the card.
First and foremost, I'm a gamer at heart. It's been a little while since I've spent any amount of time playing anything on a dedicated basis, but I love to play. Second, I had found a new way to connect with my two boys simultaneously. Even though they are about 8 years apart, it's still cool enough to consider a win. And lastly, I was going to do everything I could to become good enough to beat them both, regularly. Ok, the third isn't strictly true. Not really. No, I don't really mean it.
Well, maybe just a little bit.
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