Some say the original idea for Unglued hatched like some evil little egg from from leftover cards in
WotC R&D department. Some say it was a concerted effort by the WotC Illuminati to subvert the masses. Others believe it was the brainchild of Evil Maro or Marobot. I personally prefer my pet theory, that one day goblins tunneled up into WotC's offices, poked around and decided everything in progress was rubbish. The leader of the goblins, one King Gutbuster Gutbuster (this was during the dark period of goblin history when monarchs held double names for twice the respect - this affect was rumored to have lasted exactly 254 days) decided the most prudent course of action would be to find the shortest person (aka, most goblin-like in stature) and hold him or her hostage until a new set was produced to their specifications. They grabbed Mark Rosewater - and the rest is history.
WotC R&D department. Some say it was a concerted effort by the WotC Illuminati to subvert the masses. Others believe it was the brainchild of Evil Maro or Marobot. I personally prefer my pet theory, that one day goblins tunneled up into WotC's offices, poked around and decided everything in progress was rubbish. The leader of the goblins, one King Gutbuster Gutbuster (this was during the dark period of goblin history when monarchs held double names for twice the respect - this affect was rumored to have lasted exactly 254 days) decided the most prudent course of action would be to find the shortest person (aka, most goblin-like in stature) and hold him or her hostage until a new set was produced to their specifications. They grabbed Mark Rosewater - and the rest is history.
Whatever the true origin of Unglued, no one is talking (don't you dare go look for Mark Rosewater's Drive to Work Podcasts #13 & 38). The community of Magic the Gathering was not prepared for that fateful August day in 1998 when 88 new cards were released. They weren't just any 88 cards though - they were 88 silver bordered cards. Just over 16 years ago the world was introduced to Unglued, and fans have been clamoring for more ever since.
Just a few short years later, in November of 2004 Y.O.O.R.E. (the year of our rotten egg), WotC dropped another silver bordered gift on the unsuspecting masses. We received 141 new silver bordered pieces of spectacular puns, witty jokes, and inside-inside cranks. It must have been great opening that Un-set for the first time. Can you imagine the feeling of ripping into your box and having a bunch of spring loaded snakes fly out?
[Editor: We have no idea what the author is talking about. Snakes? Please.]
After the festivities in 2004, the world waited patiently for another Un-set. Yet here we are in 2014 (some of us anyway), and it appears that Hasbro/WotC has abandoned Un-sets as possibly Un-profitable. Or maybe they are Un-appealing to the fans. Or perhaps they are Un-appetizing to the small, but very vocal, sub-set of Magic aficionados that survive on a diet of Commons and Uncommons.
Some Un-Believable Facts
If we're going to get an Un-set before 2017, we have to act now. It takes time to put together a set.
Even an Un-set. Those crayon drawings just don't throw themselves together, you know?

The last Un-set, Unhinged, was rumored to offer less than exciting sales performance. Also, since silver bordered cards are only allowed in casual settings it can be argued that Un-sets are a waste of developers time.
What is the most important thing in life? Yes! Money! And after money? Yes! Fast cars! (You guys sure are smart). And what is the third most important thing in life? Yes! To have a sense of humor!
Un-sets are Hasbro/WotC's way of laughing at themselves. Since WotC already has tons of money and Hasbro has cornered the market on fast ...err... toys (those Beyblade things could take a finger), it's only fair that they now turn their attention back to what really matters most. Humor.
Un-Real Expectations
So what can we do as gamers? Surely, we've asked Rosewater thousands of questions on his Blogatog regarding rules interactions. We've begged him, time and time again to let those in power at Hasbro and WotC know we want a new Un-set. Heck, it's even rumored that in his office there is a golden filing cabinet, filled with thousands of card ideas just waiting for the right moment.
We can petition Hasbro and WotC. I know, I know, it's a trite and boring method to make stuff happen. But it is a way to make them realize how important the concept of an Un-set is to us. We want a fun, supplemental, silver-bordered product. And we don't want any durdling small set either. We deserve the full size, extra large, Un-set treatment.
When do we want it? NOW!
How do we want it? FUNNY!
Who do we want to design it? MARK ROSEWATER!
Click this link to go to the petition that will change our gaming lives for the better!
Reblogs, Retweets, & Mentions of all kinds are appreciated - as an independent writer I'm only read when others like what they see and share with their friends.
So what can we do as gamers? Surely, we've asked Rosewater thousands of questions on his Blogatog regarding rules interactions. We've begged him, time and time again to let those in power at Hasbro and WotC know we want a new Un-set. Heck, it's even rumored that in his office there is a golden filing cabinet, filled with thousands of card ideas just waiting for the right moment.
We can petition Hasbro and WotC. I know, I know, it's a trite and boring method to make stuff happen. But it is a way to make them realize how important the concept of an Un-set is to us. We want a fun, supplemental, silver-bordered product. And we don't want any durdling small set either. We deserve the full size, extra large, Un-set treatment.
When do we want it? NOW!
How do we want it? FUNNY!
Who do we want to design it? MARK ROSEWATER!
Click this link to go to the petition that will change our gaming lives for the better!
Reblogs, Retweets, & Mentions of all kinds are appreciated - as an independent writer I'm only read when others like what they see and share with their friends.
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