Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Event Fees Mania

The original Judge Dredd
Step back folks, because MTG Dad is going to lay down the law, Isperia style.

The latest kerfluffle on social media is all about the $50 event fee being charged by Pastimes for their upcoming GP events.  You can read the open letter from the TO here.  Players are incensed over the $10 increase in main event entry fees.  They're even more upset given a number of statements and promises made, such as the $15 for side events credit being issued.

Let's all take a deep breath.  It's time to face some unfortunate facts.

Competitive Magic is growing at a scary pace.  From GP Vegas to GP Richmond, as gamers we're watching attendance figures jump to nearly ludicrous numbers.  As a trading card game, Magic has set new records in the past year for event attendance.  And it's not just 'special' events like GP Vegas that are seeing increases.  It's happening everywhere.  Records are being set locally by hosts of PTQs and GPs seemingly every other weekend.

Growth does come with a price.  Large events are not uncomplicated affairs to organize.  Judges and other critical staff, coverage teams (when warranted), giveaways, venue fees, and more all contribute to the overall cost of an event.  The larger the event, the more complicated all this becomes and the greater effect this will have on the basic entry fee.  Why?

Let's look at a simple example.  Tomorrow, I'm going to host a GP in my hometown.  I rent a space that will seat 1,500, but have provisions for jumps in attendance marked for every +500 that sign up.  From past experience and growth projections, I'm expecting between 1,400 and 1,800 players.  I plan that I'll need 30 total judges.  I also think I'll need 10 additional 'event staff' to handle everything from security to the 5 professional players I'm told will be attending and deserve extra attention.  I have 2 artists scheduled to sign cards and talk to fans.  I have a food vendor, but know that I can have the site open up to two more kiosks if needed.  I have ordered 900 playmats (700 for the first guests to register on site, 100 for compensation to VIPs and judges, and 100 extra as a cushion that I can sell later at a premium).

The above is an overly simplified example, there are many more variables.  People with their hands out and want to ride the GP gravy train.  And then it happens.

The local airlines are running some reduced fair garbage for my event weekend.  No other major events get scheduled within 200 miles.  People decide that yes, Southern NJ is lovely this time of year (every last one of them is nuts, but who am I to argue?).

All of a sudden, my little, manageable event goes from at most 1,800 expected to 2,700 expected attendees.  And somehow I have to smile and make it all happen.  I have to make special arrangements to get the additional space needed.  I have to scramble and find another 25 judges.  I need to arrange for 2 more artists to keep people happy.  On and on the list goes, scaling up the operation to meet demand.

Regardless of how well I prepared, my costs go up.  Agreed, the take at the door goes up as well.  I won't argue that fact.  But my frustration goes up as well.  The pressure to pull off a great event increases with each new revised estimate leading up to the event.  My personal investment of time and energy increases seemingly exponentially.

How can this be combated?  Different TO's take different strategies.  And I will admit, some of this is pure speculation on my part.  But I am willing to bet that TO's have started to plan for success by making some decisions early.  Instead of bringing in 2 artists, they decide to just go ahead and book 5.  Instead of having 30 Judges selected, they move to hire 40 with a strong contingency plan in place to have more attend.  Instead of 10 event staff, they hire 15.  It's practically self defense.

Which would you rather be known for?  Charging $10 more for the registration fee or being woefully under prepared for the masses when they all sign up in the last week before the event?  One or two bad events can kill a TO.  They don't make a tremendous amount of money on events - this is something I'm sure of.

So Let's Talk Greenbacks
An event with 2,000 people attending is becoming the norm for GPs.  Here is some quick math.  At $40 per entrant, that's $80,000.  Seems astonishing for one weekend, doesn't it?

Now, when that fee goes up to $50, we're talking $100,000 for the event.  Simply bonkers, right?

Granted, I know that there is more money involved when we start talking side events and more, but let's keep this simple for exploration purposes.

What if I told you that for all the effort of a TO for a large event, they may only personally make a few thousand dollars (this is based on a stupid amount of math, some research, and some educated guesses).  Any TO for a GP event, before it has started, has likely put in well over 100 hours of their time.  Let's say the average personal take is $4,000 for an event with 1,500 participants - but that is ONLY if they meet every projection from side events to sales on product at their booth to total attendance.  $4,000, divided by 100 hours...

It's not rocket science, but I'm pretty sure they earned that.  Phone calls.  Meetings.  Planning.  Contingency planning.  Emails.  More phone calls and meetings.  TO's put a great deal of time into events.

There is a flip side.  What if they don't plan well enough for an event and it fails to hit the target by a couple of hundred people?  Who takes the hit?  It isn't the Floor Judges, they get their compensation.  It isn't the artists, they have serious costs to consider.  It's not the event staff who gave up their day to work a door checking bags and wristbands.  The person who is ultimately responsible is the TO.  The TO is on the hook for all profit and loss with an event.

As event attendance grows (but is still difficult to predict) and when the difference between 1,800 attendees and 2,100 attendees can mean the difference between profit and loss, can we blame a TO for raising the rates of the event?

What about Free Stuff?
I felt I had to address this issue separately.  Free playmats have become and expectation.  GPs offer them as
Gold is never free...
a rule, other events offer them as special prizes.

So let's talk about these wonderful pieces of rubber artwork.

GP Richmond set a strange standard that players expect others to fulfill.  I take some exception to holding all TO's to the Star City model.  Why?

Let's look at cost and planning first.  Playmats aren't cheap.  Mass produced, yes, I'm sure they are considerably less expensive than the retail fee we pay for one at our local LGS.  Let's assume they cost $10 a unit (perhaps this is fair).  If I had to predict how many I needed for my GP that I was planning earlier and I figured I needed 2,000 to be safe, that is a commitment of $20,000 - before I've taken in dime one.

What happens when I miss my target and I only get 1,500 participants?  I'm stuck with $5,000 worth of stock I have to eventually find a way to move.  Depending on the artwork, the demand and valuation of playmats vary wildly.  I could get stuck for that $5,000.  Remember my estimate for my personal event profit?  Kiss it good-bye.

The model currently in use is that a TO plans to purchase upwards of 1,000 units for most GPs.  I already showed how that is distributed.  But what if I promise one playmat for participant?  How do I meet demand, especially when I have several hundred more people register than I planned for in the last week?

Star City Games stepped up.  They have the ability to do so.  They have the largest shipping department of any TO, and they can with little difficulty devote some of that department to sending out playmats to the additional registrants.  I doubt that in the end they made much money because of shipping fees, but at least they had the staff and the engine in place to do it.

That's not going to be the case with other TOs.  While most have shipping set up through their stores, none are the size of SCG.  In fact, many of them only have one or two store locations with 10 or fewer staff members.  We can't expect them to make the same promise made by SCG.  It's not going to happen, no matter how much we may all wish that signing up for an event meant we were guaranteed a playmat.

There is a model that would work - if players would be willing to admit something.  We, as players, are a bit lazy.  If we are willing to admit it, and furthermore willing to do something about it then TOs could change the model and everyone could benefit.

What if TO's change the model to one such as this: playmats guaranteed to any player that registers a minimum 21 days (or whatever the order window is to guarantee shipment) in advance, playmats for all VIP registrations, and playmats (or an equivalent bonus prize) for all winners of side-events costing at least $15 to register.  There isn't a TO out there that would lose in terms of having too much stock left over - the math from that point forward is simple.  Some conditions would have to apply to this new model.  None of them would be seen as a drawback by the average player.

This is a model that can be and should be adopted.  But will it?

The Hard Truth
It's inevitable.  Fees for entry into events will continue to rise.  The fact that Pastimes is the first to break the $50 barrier does not change this.  Before the end of the year, we'll likely see a few other TOs test the waters.  Players should instead of complaining should seek ways to engage TOs in conversations about what services they value most at events.  Perhaps having a help desk to refer players to local eateries?  Or maybe players would like to see more artists or a planned event 'after hours' they can attend.

I don't know what form event extras will take over the next year.  With constant growth though, it is impossible for events to remain stagnant.  The old model is no longer sustainable, so let's all find ways to participate in the discussion.

Anyone who reads this has homework.  Log into Twitter.  Find the following accounts: @misterorange, @PESman66, @sunmesaglenn, @ironchefnick, @pastimesonline, @timothypshields and YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNT HERE (just add it in the comments section and I'll update the article). Read, think, and engage these TOs in conversations about what you want to see as a player at events.  Only with your voices can we all see positive change.

Just don't complain to them about the price increases.  It's not worth your time or energy to complain, especially when you have between $400 and a few grand invested in the deck you plan to bring to the next GP.

And that, my friends, is that.


Reblogs, Retweets, & Mentions of all kinds are appreciated - as an independent writer I'm only read when others like what they see and share with their friends.

Spike by Proxy

I like to write about a variety of topics in the Magic Community.  As things strike my interest, I take to the keyboard to hash out my thoughts.  Sometimes it's easy.  The words flow and paint pictures for me.  Other times, it can feel impossible.  My mood poisons the well, making it difficult to function - let alone find time to write.  This occasion is not one of those times.  I'm thrilled today to recap some of my memories  following GP Philadelphia.

New Friends
We've spoken through email, message boards and Twitter.  But this was the first time to meet some very smart and wonderful ladies that represent Magic at its best.  I was honored to meet Kate (Deck Tease Unofficial Fan Club Co-President), Natalie (Cardboard Nirvana on Tumblr), Jennifer (if you haven't heard of Jennisodes, I'm sorry for your loss), and Erin for the first time.  From the moment I met Erin of The Deck Tease Podcast, I knew I was in good hands - even if I felt a little bit like a fifth wheel given how well they all knew each other already.  I ended my day thinking that all four ladies are just the best, and I can't say enough positive things about them without seeming like a fan boy (I know I came off that way when I asked Erin to sign several items).  I am looking forward to the chance to see them all again, and given that 3 of the 4 are reasonably local, I'm sure I'll see them at upcoming events.

Elmer signed by Marshall
I was also able to speak briefly with Marshal Sutcliffe, of Limited Resources fame.  I was really blown away
by how approachable and friendly he was.  For those that haven't had a chance to talk with him, I encourage you to do so if you get a chance.  Richard Hagon was also on-site doing some consulting.  He was also just as personable as you would imagine.

I did miss a chances to speak with a number of people, but that is one of the problems with only attending one day of a three day event.  At the very least I wanted to meet Adam Styborski (Gathering Magic).  I honestly was unaware Adam was there until after I made it home from the event.  One day I'll get my chance though.

Excellent Judges
Now that I've worked a few events as a Judge Candidate, I feel qualified to state the following.  The judges at the event were outstanding.  Every interaction taken by the Judge staff seemed to be calculated to minimize loss of time to the players and to heighten the experience.  I left the day both amazed and pleased at the quality of the staff hired to work the event.  High fives all around.

It could be just me, but I think that women in general were represented amazingly well at GP Philly.  Yes, I spent some of my time talking with some women who I consider to be important to the Magic Community so I could have a skewed outlook, but I also had a sense that there was a much higher percentage of females in the room and playing then I saw at Eternal Weekend and GP Atlantic City - combined.  I don't know if it was just my imagination - I hope it wasn't.  If it is true, it shows how far the game has come over the past year.  Just on anecdotal evidence, I can state we had at least three women playing in a 2HG event I joined late in the day out of about 50 players.  Strong stuff.

The Ride Home
On our way home, I started a couple of different conversations with Jacob to keep me alert.  It had been a long day and I didn't want to fall asleep at the wheel.  Jacob is my younger son.  He's nearly a teenager so I find his observations to be entertaining.  On an hour long car ride late at night, there's nothing better than getting the opinion of a 12 year old.

When he was done complaining that I knew too many people (he can be a little cynical at times), he started to rib me a bit about my finish in the main event.  And in the last main event we played in, GP Atlantic City.  In fact, he went so far as to say he's won two or three more matches than I have in big events.  He was giving me some serious grief.  Jacob is funny though.  Compared to my older son, who as soon as he got out of diapers would peel paint off the walls with his observations about people's shortcomings, Jacob is almost always good-natured with his teasing.  This occasion was no different.

His teasing did give me a chance to reflect.  The event, travel, parking, food and more wasn't cheap.  For the two of us, my total bill for the day likely approached $200.  There are less expensive ways to spend a day.  I didn't have one regret though.  Even my finishing 2-3 - well, 1-3 if we want to be honest, the last win was because my opponent for my last round simply forgot to drop - didn't dampen my feelings.  I will admit a small amount of tilt over my pool for the main event which included Polukranos, Purphoros, and Nylea and with my final results.  And a small amount of upset was felt on my part over losing out in the 2HG round to a game I thought we had under control early.  And I did lose the last round I entered that day, a Mini-Masters I think I should have won....  

...Wait a second, what was my point?

Even after having a run of bad luck on the day, there was something that made it worthwhile.  Jacob did battle to a 2-3 finish on his own with a pool that was a little puzzling.  He did his best with it, and showed me his fortitude.  He was admittedly a little surly around Marshal Sutcliffe earlier in the day coming off of a loss.  I think most players in his shoes would have felt the same way at the time. His wanting to rub in his combined successes during the ride home told me two things I want to share with you all.

The first is that he wants to win.  Losing hurts, and he really doesn't like the feeling.  I don't view losing the same way he does.  To be honest, personally when I lose a Magic match I almost never tilt and I don't value it in the same way.  He sees it as a way to keep score.  It's obvious he wants the tally to favor him at the end of the day.

The other point, and the more important one for me was that I want to see him win.  There are few things to compare with seeing your child to succeed.  As much as he wants to win, I probably want to see him do so 100 times more.  I love to see him mix it up with an older player with years more experience and win.  I especially love it when he does so by demonstrating a deeper understanding of the game than I have.  When we play at home, I'm constantly trying to help him improve his game by showing him things that I've seen other players do.  Nothing makes me happier than to see him emerge triumphant following a tight match.

I shared my feelings with him on our ride home.  I'm not sure he believes me.  But one day, he'll be sitting in the Top 8 of a PTQ and I'll be strutting around like I just won the Super Bowl.  Maybe then he'll appreciate how much I care how he does.  I may never personally reach the point where I'm a Spike.  When Jacob is playing though, I'm a full-blooded Spike by proxy.


Reblogs, Retweets, & Mentions of all kinds are appreciated - as an independent writer I'm only read when others like what they see and share with their friends.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Spring Spoilers - Quit Your Bitch'n

Can you feel it?

Spring is in the air.  The flowers are blooming.  Here in the Middle-Atlantic, it has finally stopped snowing (at least we think it has).   And new love can be seen everywhere we go.  I'm not referring to that sweet little thing in a skirt or shorts that just smiled at you for the first time.  No, I'm referring to something better.

The Journey into Nyx spoilers have begun!

Same Song, New Tune
As with all spoilers seasons, the first couple of announcements made Monday were calculated to wet our whistles. Wizards of the Coast wanted to tease us with fun new mechanics and show off just a little bit of the new art.  The marketing experts who figure out when and how to release information know that they need to start slowly and build to a crescendo.  Tuesday's releases brought out some heavy hitters.  New gods were spoiled, and the world wept.

Wizards wasn't done yet.  If Monday was a warm-up band and Tuesday was the prologue (think 'Ecstasy of Gold' before Metallica takes the stage), then Wednesday was going to be the main performance.  And what a performance!

Today they released the last piece of the great planeswalker puzzle.  A Green/White planeswalker, the last color pairing missing from every fanboy's set made its big debut.  Wizards of the Coast answered finally the promise made long ago.  In Born of the Gods, we were given the missing U/G planeswalker, Kiora.  And today we have Ajani, Mentor of Heroes.

Shouldn't everyone be happy?  Well, apparently not.  No, people are most decidedly unhappy.  That is if you listen to Facebook, Twitter, and your local clutch of teenagers.  People are complaining, again.  "It's not flavorful."  "It's not original."  "It has the weakest ultimate ever."  Normally I would join in with arguing.  I love a spirited discussion about one's parentage.  But this time though, I'm not.  And I'm here to share why.

I have a confession to make first.  I haven't read the actual article that accompanied the newest planeswalker.  I thought it would be best to evaluate it on my own, share my findings and then, and only then, read it.  I won't think less of you if you have read it already.  If you'd like to read the full story, you can find it here.  In the meantime, let's peel back the mask and see if this PW is playable.
A very tough looking Ajani

The first thing to check is the Casting vs. Loyalty test.  This is to Planewalkers as the Vanilla test is to
creatures.  Casting vs. Loyalty answers two questions: when the PW hits the battlefield will it survive an immediate attack and is the cost fair when you look at the starting loyalty.  Ajani, Mentor of Heroes stacks up fairly well in both tests.  First, it hits the ground running at 4 Loyalty (soon to be +1).  That will survive all but an outright 'kill the Planeswalker' type of response.  And starting at 4 Loyalty for a CMC of 5 isn't bad either.  It's not stellar, but it is more than fair.

Ajani has three abilities.  Unlike most Planeswalkers, the first two abilities result in positive changes to Loyalty counters.  That's right, Ajani is all about net gain.   The first two abilities are important, flavorful, and helpful in most formats.

The first, distribute three +1/+1 counters as you choose to creatures you control is great.  In fact, it's better than that.  You get to do this (theoretically) every turn you want to.  Common Bond, a 3CMC G/W spell only did 2 counters each time you cast it.  Even if you only consider this a Common Bond for three counters that you'll get to fire twice in most cases, it seems pretty solid to me.

But wait (says the guy selling Ginsu), there's more!  The second +1 ability is not horribly awful.  In fact, when you compare it to the first ability, it is better than that.  It is downright perfect.  Boardstates generally evolve into one of two states - you could have creatures that would benefit from the counters and thus the first ability or you could have a boardstate with limited or no creatures.  While you don't get to search for and play a creature of a given CMC or less, you do get to go search for one and move it to your hand.  Or a planeswalker.  Or an enchantment.  And you get to do this card draw and selection in G/W, not the standard blue.  This is powerful juju, and I think people should step back from the cliff just based on this ability alone.

No Bitch'n?
Most people are upset at the ultimate.  I'm not, but here is their complaint in a nutshell: gaining 100 life is either the most useless or the most annoying ultimate ever.  I admit, as an ultimate it seems pretty ridiculous.  And not in the, 'Hey every turn you can make a 7/7 Flying Deathtouch Zombie Angel token,' ridiculous.  More of the, 'We have to get up to 8 Loyalty, wait one more turn and all we get is this stupid t-shirt ridiculous'.

I agree that it doesn't win games outright.  What it does do is it puts most games out of reach, which is almost the same thing.  But if you're worried about someone going ultimate with their Ajani, MoH, against you, you're doing something wrong.  I'm not upset though.  If I had this on the battlefield under my control, I wouldn't even look at the third ability.  Neither should anyone else.  Good players facing it will target and kill Ajani before it ever gets to the point.  Good players that have it on their side of the battlefield will likely never see greater benefit from going ultimate than they will from the first two abilities.

It's a -8 ability.  It's a negative 8, with no way of protecting itself (the last statement is not completely true, but it will stand up in court and I don't think it's important to explain further right now).  People who want this Ajani in their deck will want it for the +1/+1 effect.  They'll want it for the card smoothing effect.  They really won't care about the ultimate.  And neither will opponents.  Going ultimate with a PW is wonderful, but it's also not why they're played.

We play cards for the guaranteed payoff, not the perceived, best-case scenario.  Ajani's best case can be a nightmare for players in any format.  It's not to be feared though.  How often does a PW ultimate, on average?  Even the best ones?  I'll bet it's less than 20% of the time.  No one plays a PW for the ultimate ability alone.

Whether you're arguing about the 'value' of this newest planeswalker or if you're bemoaning the -8, do us all a favor.  Stop.  Your.  Bitch'n.

It's not the end of the world.  It's also way too early to determine how much of an impact this card will have on Standard or any of the other formats (I personally think it will be stupidly powerful in Limited).  People will want it and many, many will find success with it.  Until the meta changes in Standard, I think we can all sit back, grab a frosty beverage and relax.

Oh, and I have five bucks on it appearing in a Top 4 deck before the end of May....


Reblogs, Retweets, & Mentions of all kinds are appreciated - as an independent writer I'm only read when others like what they see and share with their friends.

Endnotes: Coming to GP Philadelphia this weekend - April 11-13?  Feel free to look me up on Twitter.  I'll be there Saturday, slinging spells with Jacob, my son and fellow lover of Limited/Sealed.  If you'd like to hit me up during the day, my Twitter handle is @mtgdad.  If you can't find me or I'm not answering, stop in at CardTitan and ask for Nick or Miles.