Monday, December 29, 2014

No Safety Net #1

Sometimes, you have to take the net protecting you from falling from the high wire and put it away.

When I write, I'm very careful.  I choose my words with purpose.  The stories that I write about show what I'm comfortable with sharing, even in cases where I'm argumentative.  But what drives me to write about my son and Magic, is always hidden behind a veil.  After listening recently to a podcast though, I found myself wishing I could share what drives me to spend time with Jacob and find time to share his interests.  The idea for this post (and probably a few more after it) is to try to put into words things about me that I feel are worth sharing.  This will be hard.  Very, very hard.  It will also undergo a bare minimum of editing - I want it to be as raw and visceral as I can be.  No safety net, in theory and practice.

All of what I'll share today has impacted how I look at my responsibilities as a parent and ultimately led me here.  I'm sorry if you came for an article on Magic the Gathering today.  In fact, you'll find very little Magic here at all.

To understand who I am know and why I write, I have to take you back in time.  Everything I'll write in this series of posts is true.  I owe that much to myself.

Broken Promises
The first thing that I need to share won't surprise some people.  My parents divorced when I was three, and my sister was one.  My father left.

I have no memory of this.  Likely I've blocked it out.  I remember the two story house we lived in.  I remember the tire swing in the backyard and the weird, crappy porch off the back of the house.  I remember the winter a blizzard piled snowdrifts taller than me while I still lived there.  But I don't remember my father and mother in that house together.

Why did my father leave?  I only found out when I was nearly an adult that he had had enough.  It was never 'my fault' or my sister's.  Rather, my dad left because he couldn't get along with my mom.  He moved back to his parents' house, about two hours away.   My parents' separation and eventual divorce was ground zero for what would be many changes for me.

I have images in my mind, brief vignettes of events that happened to me at a young age.  I don't have a clear sequence to many of them.  Most of them are negative.  Some I wish were not mine at all.

My first clearest memory was painful.  I was about 5.

Mom's New Friend
The sequence of events following the divorce is history that I have to state for the record.  I do so with no real personal memory or direct knowledge.  With the divorce came the selling of the house.  Custody was decided to be given to my mom (New Jersey courts forty years ago would always side with the mother so long as she had a pulse and wasn't on a ventilator).  My father fought for my sister and I - and would continue to fight for years, but he just couldn't win.  Dad was also introduced to a nice new lady friend - and he appeared to be very interested in her.

This is where I have to delve a bit into conjecture, but everything fits fairly well as far as timing and personalities involved.  Mom saw my dad's new friend as competition.  Not from the standpoint of affection, but as a threat in the courts.  If my dad remarried and sued again for custody - which he did - then mom would be worried that dad's status may be looked upon more favorably than hers.  The house she had us living in at the time was...well, it wasn't very nice.  No angry notes please - I recognize she likely did the best she could manage.  So there was likely a fear maintained by my mother that my dad would find a way to win custody.

Mom has never liked losing.  So she finally started dating again.  I don't know how many dates she had or with how many different men, but eventually she found someone that she could bring home to introduce to my sister and I.  To this day, I still wish that I had never met the man that would become my stepfather.

Introducing the Jerk
This history is all necessary to understand my first real memory.  It was one in which I knew the time, place, and players involved.  I don't remember the exact conversation, but I do remember the emotions.

My mother's new friend had spent the night.  They were back in her room when I got up in the morning.  Not being allowed to bother them, I went to the living room/dining room at the front of the house.  I remember the vinyl footing of my pajamas feet scraping against the large heating grate in the middle of the doorway between the kitchen and the front room.  I remember going to the television and turning it on, trying to find something to watch.  I spied, during programming breaks, something new and interesting on the coffee table.  I had no idea what it was, but it had these interesting screw caps and large letters.  One said 'L' and the other said 'R'.

As an intuitive reader, I'm sure you've guessed that I had stumbled upon a contact lens case.  I had never seen one before.  Being five, I investigate the only way I knew how to.  I opened it.  I wasn't paying close attention to it, but I must have tilted it.  I was shocked to find my fingers had become wet.  I quickly closed the cap.

It wasn't long before my mother's new friend came out of the bedroom and went looking for his contact lenses.  Unfortunately, one seemed to be missing.  He was at first concerned.  But when he put two and two together (math was never his strong suit so it took a few moments), the Spanish Inquisition started.  It only lasted a few minutes at most before he was screaming at me.  How could I be so stupid?  How could I be so careless?  Didn't I know not to touch things that weren't mine?  Why doesn't your mother teach you to leave other people's things alone?

I don't remember being hit (I'm sure it was there).  I do remember running to my room, deeply afraid, crying and upset.  I was inconsolable.  It wasn't until I fell asleep completely exhausted that I found any relief at all.

Here's the one thought that I held onto that day and you'll find as a common theme as I write about who I am now.  My mother did nothing.  She didn't intervene on my behalf.  She didn't step in and say, "Oy, that's my kid, back the hell off."  I don't even remember her being there.  She was in the house, and given the size of it there is no possibility she would not have heard and had plenty of time to intervene.

Mom failed me.

So why is it I spend what is likely a stupid amount of money on a game?  Why do I write?  What drives 'MTGDad'?

Simple.  I want to do better.  I won't fail my sons.  With my older son, I had a very steep learning curve - for more reasons than a messed up childhood.  My younger son though, Jacob (who at thirteen is starting to fill out and seem less like a 'younger son' and more like his own person everyday), is my last real chance to get this perfect.

Being a perfect parent isn't attainable.  I'm have no illusions about that.  But I can't help working towards it.  I know I've made and will continue to make mistakes.  I promised myself though a very long time ago, that there are two people I'd never be mistaken for when I interact with my kids.  I see the same behaviors in my sister as well.

I write because I want to share small successes.  I want to show people that a game can be life affirming.  For what could be seen as selfish reasons, I need to prove that I can be a better parent than my stepjerk and mother.

Want to know something funny?  Currently neither of them are allowed in my house.  Both for different reasons.  I'll share at least one of those stories soon.  My mother's current story is one that is so raw right now that I'm not sure when I'll have the strength to write about it.

Part 1 of ??


Reblogs, Retweets, & Mentions of all kinds are appreciated - as an independent writer I'm only read when others like what they see and share with their friends.

Shameless Plug - Help Make Un-set 3 a Reality!

[Special thanks and credit for the idea of this series should go to Erin Campbell and her interview of Brad Nelson on The Deck Tease podcast.]

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

It's a magical time of year (pun intended).

Presents are being wrapped.  The tree is going to be up soon - I PROMISE!  And I'm left thinking about what makes Magic the Gathering special to me.  I know that this time of year brings out the 'Top 10' lists in droves.  This isn't one of those articles.

Instead, I want to really highlight the parts of the community I enjoy the most.

I used to drive to work listening to a particular shock jock on Sirius.  Now I load up my smartphone with a few choice podcasts and listen to them during my drive to work.  Magic has obviously improved me for the better.  In no particular order, here are my favorite podcasts:
  • The Deck Tease - Erin Campbell is a little edgy, and seems to land just about every personality in Magic.  She makes me smile every time an episode comes out.  There is no better way to start a Monday.
  • Limited Resources - Marshall and current assorted company break down Limited play in a very accessible manner.  I truly miss Brian Wong, but I know that Marshall will find a new co-host soon.  If you like limited half as much as I do, this has to be on your rotation.
  • JudgeCast - There is only one bad thing about JudgeCast.  It's not the references to Bitty Kitty.  It's not the number of movie references they throw into every episode.  And it's never their special guests.  It's that there is only one episode every two weeks.  If Santa would leave one thing under my tree this year, I'd ask him for weekly episodes in 2015.
I don't think players fully realize how important Judges are to Magic the Gathering.  Next time you interact with one - even if you hate the outcome - say this: thank you.  It can be, "Thank you, but I'd like to appeal your ruling," or "Thank you for your explanation, even though I don't agree."  But it should always start with a thank you.  Judges are compensated for most events they are involved in, but the compensation isn't why they do it (if it was, most would either stay home or play themselves).  Judges are a breed apart who are on their feet all day - often on cement poured floors - simply because they want to help you have a better game.  They deserve your respect, if not your admiration.

I wouldn't play this game if it was 100% digital.  At least, I wouldn't still be playing it 3 years later.  I've made many friends through playing at LGSs and going to events.  The game is incredible, but the social part of it is what keeps me coming back.

Twitter.  Facebook.  Twitch.  Pinterest (or so I've heard).  Tumblr.  If you're reading this, you are already a part of the extended online community who take part in razzing Mark Rosewater about bananas or congratulating the most recent GP winner via Twitter.  And let's not forget the websites offering non-stop updates to their coverage.  I don't have one favorite here, other than to say that lately Matt Tabak's Tumblr feed has been particularly sardonic lately.  If you don't follow him, give it a try.

This past year I made it to several large events.  I love the feel of anticipation, the increased level of competition and the camaraderie.  I have hopes of getting to at least 3 next year.  I'd like to make it to Las Vegas, but I don't see me attending without Jacob.  I priced out flights and when I add in other expenses, I just don't see it happening.  I will be at GP Atlantic City and likely the Eternal Weekend in Philadelphia though, so that's two big events.

I'm a big supporter of local game stores.  I also buy from a few online stores, everything from singles to box product.  But I also started to get more into EDH this year.  Elder Dragon Highlander (or Commander for those so inclined) is not a format that rewards someone like me that has been collecting for 3 years. Let's face it, LGSs and sometimes online stores don't stock that $1 rare or penny common from Futuresight that you need.  I've found that PucaTrade is great for filling that gap.  If you're an EDH player and you're not on PucaTrade, you're doing it wrong.  That, or you have a way more impressive collection than I do.

If you didn't see it before, people in my area lost our local game store last month.  The only thing I have to say here is - support your LGS.  Go there, play, interact, and for the love of all things that is holy, buy some product.  Your LGS is the first stop in the greater, larger world community of Magic.  If you stop at that level, then fine.  But when you step up to play in larger tournaments, you'll be thankful for everything your LGS provided you.

Finding time to watch coverage on weekends can be difficult.  But when I do, I'm always thankful for the knowledge demonstrated by coverage team members.  They all make the game a little more accessible and for that they should be thanked (and this includes all the people who support the actual broadcasters).

Lastly, I have to thank my son, Jacob, for continuing to play and inspire me to do the same.  If he wasn't interested in the game, I'm sure I wouldn't play either.  It's his love for it that drives me to learn more, play better, and find a way to express myself creatively.

Thank you, son.  And thanks to all of you for reading.  See you in 2015!

-Please feel free to add what you enjoy the most about our community in the comments section.


Reblogs, Retweets, & Mentions of all kinds are appreciated - as an independent writer I'm only read when others like what they see and share with their friends.

Shameless Plug - Help Make Un-set 3 a Reality!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Modern Masters 2: This Time, All the Monies!

Unless you live under a rock like my good friend, Patrick Starfish, by now you've heard the big announcement from Wizards of the Coast that has come out of the World Magic Championships.

Yes Virginia, there is going to be a Modern Masters 2.

Strap in, because I'm not a very happy camper today.

Mi$take$ Were Made
With the first printing of Modern Masters back in 2013, Wizards offered a format defining product.  To say that MMA was in high demand would be like like saying Bernie Madoff knew a little bit about how to make money.  From the first moment that the set was announced with its $6.99 per pack sell point, players speculated.  Who would pay that price per pack?  Would it be worth it?

Having opened a box myself, I can assure you that it was worth it to me.  Barely.  But there was that chance of opening a Tarmagoyf - a then $125 or so card.  I was nervous opening a box of the first edition of Modern Masters even given I was lucky enough to get it for MSRP.

This set?  Well, we do know that Emrakul is being reprinted.  A $50 card currently.  Surely, there will be other cool reprints to be announced during the month leading up to the set releasing.  It is almost entirely too early to jump on a band wagon decrying the MSRP of $6.99 a pack.

WHAT?  This set will list packs at an MSRP of $9.99?  A three dollar increase in 2 years?  Is someone up in Renton smoking the cards instead of printing them?

Ten dollars out of the gate per pack, for something that costs Wizards a fifth of that to produce (that's a fair and likely favorable estimate).  Most of the cards in any given pack are penny commons.  Literally no trade or collector value is assigned.

I'm sure gamers (better yet, collectors) will be lined up around the block for these boxes.  I won't be one.  At $240 for a box of product, Wizards has finally priced me out of the market.  That's even if I can find a seller with product for that price.  I look for a fair value.  Unless I have something of a chance of getting at least 65-70% that value back out of a box, I'm out.  For a product this expensive, I'd like to see that margin increase to 75%.  I stretched myself pretty thin over buying a box of product at $170 last time.  An increase to $240 means I simply can't imagine the circumstances by which I'd entertain purchasing a box - whether to save it, crack it, or share it with friends.

And I don't even want to think about what even participating in a draft will be like.  I would imagine that most drafts will run in the $45-50 and up range.  Yes, to open three packs, stores will charge us about $50 or more (once product dries up from the distribution chain, this price will go up).  Serious grinders with a lifetime of draft experience will eat up and spit out the competition.  I've got a better chance of buying lottery tickets at that price point.

A product, designed to be PLAYED, priced out of the range of a comfortable price point for many drafters.  I wonder how that will work out?

The Other $hoe
And then, the other shoe dropped from the World Magic Championship.  There will be three Grand Prixes held in May to celebrate the launch the product.  The one in the United States is going to be on the East Coast.


[Jumps away from keyboard for a moment to re-read something on his phone]...[mumbles]...[takes phone and throws it at wall]...

I'm sorry, my mistake.  The Grand Prix for Modern Masters 2015 will be held in Las Vegas.  Again.

Cue rejoicing for the city in the desert with the smallest population of players within 50 square miles. (All due respect to players who live there or within 3 hours as I continue - this is a call for parity).  There are about 10 places that come to mind in the US that right off would have had a significantly larger base of players to draw from.

No, that wasn't a problem last time as the event hit about 4,500 participants.  But I must ask, where is the parity?  Why not hold it on the East Coast?  Chicago?  Somewhere near an actual population center?  Why must 80% plus participants fly to get to your event?

In 2013, I consoled myself by thinking that if they did a second Modern Masters we'd get our due out here on the East Coast next time (Washington D.C. perhaps).  I thought there was no way it would be held in Las Vegas two times in a row.

$omeone$ Got to Win
So I raise my glass.

I raise it to game store owners, those who will sell this product as fast as it arrives at a higher price point than $240.

I raise it to Las Vegas, who landed another sweet event.

I raise it to the TO running Las Vegas.  Even base entry fee is likely going to run players into $80-90 a person (practically VIP money for other other events).  It hasn't been announced yet, but it won't be cheap.

I raise it to Wizards, who found a way to ring way too much money out of this product and have created a significant fervor over it.

I raise it to the gamers, as my only non-sarcastic tip of the hat.  You guys rock.

And I'll cry in my glass over the fact that if this is the trend - in any way - for Modern Masters, that Wizards just found a way to kill it.

Why?  Sales begets sales.  I have a stinking suspicion that at this price point, Wizards made a significant miscalculation for what gamers will pay for a pack of 15 cards that mostly have no value.  Want to kill a product line at Wizards?  Nothing does it faster than having underwhelming sales.

This may seem like a rant.  Well, it is.  But it's not directed at the game designers and creators.  Ultimately, it's directed at sales/marketing.  People who came up with the price point for the new product.  To be fair, it is a team that I have no knowledge of but likely includes representatives from Hasbro.  So I'd be remiss in not saying a big, "Thank You, Hasbro," before I sign off this time.


Reblogs, Retweets, & Mentions of all kinds are appreciated - as an independent writer I'm only read when others like what they see and share with their friends.

Shameless Plug - Help Make Un-set 3 a Reality!